At Statewide, you matter!
For employees, salary packaging (or salary sacrifice) is a great way to stretch hard earned dollars further. The ability to reduce tax payable by paying for certain expenses in pre-tax dollars may improve cash flow. It may make the unaffordable, affordable.
Salary packaging their personal after tax superannuation contributions is a good way for employees to understand the concept and pay as you go tax benefit, of salary sacrifice.
Statewide is an approved LocalBuy Supplier for Local Government associations of Queensland and Tasmania under the Prequalified Supplier Arrangement for BUS278 Human Resources and Employee Services.
Our car pricing service ensures that when a client packages a novated lease, they receive the best possible car price. ... more
Under a novated lease it is a mandatory finance condition that the leased vehicle is comprehensively insured for the duration of the lease period. ... more
To request a car price, just click the link below and complete & submit the car price request form. ... more
Our qualified financial advisers and friendly staff are available to assist with all of your leasing needs. ... more
Click here to view this month's exclusive car specials.
Through our web portal you can submit claims, view transactions, lease & vehicle details, update your personal details and more - 24/7. ... more
Our qualified financial advisers and friendly staff are available to assist with all of your leasing needs.